Believe it or not, horoscope also has an impact on motherhood …
Advantages: Strong, self-aware, fearless
Weaknesses: Too competitive, angry, obsessive
Mother Aries is a true warrior, so she approaches everything in life as if she were going into battle. Motherhood isn’t for the weak, and you never will be that. With faith in yourself, you can manage everything. The only shock can be that now a small being entirely depends on you. Generally, you always think first of yourself, so some adjustment is needed because the baby is there now. However, as much as you adore your little ones, you will always be in the first place because you are two different people. And this attitude is not so bad, especially for later education.
Advantages: Rational, hardworking
Weaknesses: Materialist, frequent mood swings, vain
Mom Taurus is good at both, business and pleasure. First, you make sure everything is okay and then the fun follows. You are both a traditionalist and an adventurer, so you can get your child to study on Sundays as well as give him or her a motorcycle at just 12 years old. Do your best to teach your children good education and manners. Always be their focus, their authority, but also their best friend. As long as your children don’t embarrass you, there is no problem.
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Advantages: Curious, youthful, creative, ready for anything
Weaknesses: Inconsistent, contradictory, impatient, likes to be the smartest
There may be is uncertainty all the time, but it is never boring with Gemini mothers. Your family always wonders what is on your mind and everything is possible with you. So you can decide, for example, that going on a boat is the perfect opportunity to raise a baby there for the first few months. Your brain always works, so you’re actually the most eccentric mom of all in the Zodiac.
Advantages: Sensitive, committed
Weaknesses: Overprotective, moody, jealous, timid
You’re a real mom! It’s been in your blood since you were babysitting your dolls as if they were babies. For you, giving birth at home and breastfeeding your baby for as long as possible is the right thing to do. Your family is everything in the world and most often you build a very deep connection with your children for life. And motherhood pleases you because it opens you to the world because you are shy by nature. Still, sometimes you can be hard, but once you let someone into your life, that lasts forever, and especially when you are a mother.
Advantages: Natural leader, creative, confident
Weaknesses: Narcissus, too energetic, drama queen
Leo mothers are always spotted wherever they are, and they are completely surrendered to motherhood. Try to be always there for your child, to make him a good person, the person who will do great things. Sometimes you still have high expectations of your children, so you can overburden them. But when they grow up and become successful doctors, lawyers, and artists, they will be grateful. Nothing can stand in your way when you decide something, and you especially love to spoil your children with wonderful gifts.
These Emotional Zodiac Signs Are The Best Mothers And Wives
Advantages: Organized, rational, intelligent
Weaknesses: Likes to condemn, cares a lot, over-analyzes
Virgo moms are a combination of opposites. Some moms in parenting swim like fish in the water, and some still have to adjust. In spite of your overload, because you always think too much, sometimes you can relax. A Sagittarius friend can help you with that. Some moms with a baby come immediately feel old and some kids shake and freshen up. Be careful not to go too far because as much as you fantasize and want everything to be perfect, real moms are only women of blood and flesh, and from this planet.
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