What Are Men LIke According to Their Zodiac Sign | Viral Storm
People born in this sign are driven by instincts, passion but also feelings. When they fall in love they have no peace until that love is realized. They are infinitely jealous and possessive, although they try not to show it. In sexual terms, they promise a lot, but they lack tenderness, trust, and the ability to surrender to their partner.
Taurus is a symbol of fertility, sensuality and all earthly pleasures. He could spend the whole day in bed with his partner. He is conservative, especially with regard to the difference between the sexes. In sexual terms, he is extremely resilient, lustful and “technically well-honed”, and his virtue is that he doesn’t think about his pleasure only, but also thinks about his partner.
Men born in this Zodiac sign are very charming and fun, and because of the person they want to win over, they are ready to entertain the whole society. They fall in love quickly, but they also fall out of love. They are bothered by partners who seek absolute loyalty and fidelity. They prefer free relationships and tolerant people, and more important intellectual than erotic harmony. In sex, they are very curious and imaginative, but not passionate.
For every true Cancer, life without love, even if it is unrequited, has no point. He is a very sensitive sign, and when he is in love his sensitivity is amplified. They can give a lot in bed, and they do everything to satisfy their partner. They have a natural talent for sex.
Seductive and erotic, he will not rest until he conquers the one who caught his eye. He wants someone who will increase his reputation and cause envy. That’s why he often “falls” for an attractive facade under which there is nothing or if there is something it is usually bad. Because he has a strong sex drive, sexual attraction is often crucial.
They are afraid of strong emotions because they do not like anything to stand in the way of reason. They need a lot of time to show their feelings, to relax and leave it to their partner. Since this is a sign which puts intelligence ahead of feelings, sex is not of great importance to them in love. He will compensate for the lack of passion with a well-learned technique.
Men born in this sign have an inherent need for partnership and marriage. The members of Libra are seductive towards everyone, so it is difficult to tell who they like the most. They analyze feelings for a long time, and they are guided by appearance and material security a lot. When they fall in love, they immediately plan a marriage. They are more gentle than passionate.
Passionate and temperamental, there is no peace until he conquers a loved one. He is one of the quiet seducers, but always successful. Sex is very important for this sign, so a relationship with a partner who does not satisfy him will quickly end. He usually intuitively senses what his partner wants. He is extremely jealous and possessive.
Sagittarians are carefree and unconventional. They do not differentiate between a male and female approach, nor do they consider their feelings and sexual desire to be something to hide or suppress. Many of them treat sex like a sport. For them, marriage is like a prison, and if they find themselves in it, they will not behave in accordance with the marriage oath.
He seems cold, and he especially doesn’t like to talk about his intimacy. Those who belong to this sign want to have everything under control, they are afraid of what impression they will leave, whether they will be loved or deceived. They exaggerate in doubts, precautions, and black forebodings. When they are very much in love, they are very possessive and jealous. They are passionate, but they will show their wild side only to those who deserve it.
Neither female nor male representatives of this sign are prone to complications when it comes to love. When they like someone, they will show it to him. He strives for friendship and trust in relationships and in marriage. This sign is ready to experiment when it comes to sex. He is not too passionate, and he is too stubborn to be an “exemplary” marriage partner.
Members of Pisces love selflessly, and many sacrifice themselves for love. They are able to love even the one who does not notice them at all. They fall in love quickly and easily, and mostly intuitively. They do not care so much about the external appearance or social significance of that person because they simply feel that someone was created for them. When they fall in love and make a relationship, they don’t leave the bed.
Originally published at https://viralstorm.online on August 13, 2020.