Seduction Techniques in The Zodiac Say a Lot About Each Sign

Viral Storm
11 min readAug 24, 2021


Conquering abilities are different, as are the ways in which members of the signs of the Zodiac will keep you by their side.

Do you know that seduction techniques also depend on which zodiac sign you are?

Astrology says that each zodiac sign has its own style and way of courtship, but also trump cards with which to keep a partner.

Star experts explain what awaits you when you fall into the love network of both sexes of each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac.


He — When he goes from words to deeds, you are already “boiled and baked”. By the time you turn around, he is already in your every thought, every moment, day, and month. If that number of months reaches a double-digit number at all, consider that you have kept Aries, because if you haven’t, he is already in a new conquest campaign, because what is interesting to him is only — unconquerable.

As long as you dodge him and mysteriously smile, the curious Aries will run after you.

She — She won’t waste time with you if she realizes that you are not her “cup of tea”. But, if she is, get ready to be available to her at any time of the day or night, because the Aries woman knows how to design everything — from breakfast in bed to a romantic weekend at the sea.

At the same time, she does not want to wait a minute, because it does not occur to her to waste time with you if you are not masculine, determined, charming, and gallant enough. Well, you see now…


He — If all men were like Taurus, women would not even have problems in love. No matter how long he has conquered you, he will not let you go so easily once you become his. You better not even think about short-term solutions in the form of flirting with someone else, because you will face a burst of rage equal to a volcanic eruption if he cares about you.

She — When she realizes that you are the man of her life, she will use all the trump cards of femininity she has at her disposal to keep you — seductive looks, unsurpassed culinary skills, and feminine behavior that would be envied by representatives of all other zodiac signs.

The sexiness, joy of life, and the look with which she lets her rivals know that you are only “hers and God’s”, keeps most men for a long time or forever next to the Taurus woman.


He — He knows that he won you over, it wasn’t even a problem for him when it is clear to a Gemini man that he is the funniest, most charming, and resourceful in every society. But, what next, when he has to socialize, inform, travel, flirt, and — run away?

If you have enough trust in him, understanding for him, and the need for constant improvement in all areas of life, he will take the stars off the sky. And more than that — they will propose to you via mobile phone!

She — When she got her toy, the trophy, no matter what she called you in her imagination (until she won you over), the Gemini woman will continue to play, but with you. There is no way you will be bored next to her at any single moment.

You will have a personal cook (fast food at any time of the day or night), a personal driver (to any point on the globe), and an eternal girl next to you whose youthful or modelish look will be envied by most of the jealous male world.


He — As much as he was persistent in seducing and conquering you, so much the Cancer man will stumble and keep you. And after countless breakups, reconciliations, and promises that you will start all over again, he will continue on his own.

Dissatisfied with the status, he will change jobs, quarrel with the bosses and irritate you for being such an outsider. And so on until he provides for you and your family as he imagined: in a big house with pets in the yard where your children will play, and the neighbors will stop by for coffee and a “cup of conversation”.

She — For days, months, and years, she will be ready to watch you, lurk, meet, seduce, and conquer. When she finally succeeds in that, she will try to never deny you a delicious lunch, going out to a cafe with friends and — herself in a warm bed.

She will let you live in the delusion of how you can do what you want, with whom you want, and whenever it occurs to you, and once you relax too much, they will tell everything to the children. Either your mother, sister, aunt or God forbid grandma… And then will no help for you.


He — Nothing is unbeatable for that gallant charmer who will spend his entire salary on 101 roses just for you (plus champagne, chocolates, and perfume that he knows for sure is your favorite). Since you did not resist him, he will always treat you like a queen in the company, while at home he will expect you to please him.

The sooner you understand that, the easier it will be for you to share your life with a Leo man who will be ready to sit in a car, train, or plane at midnight, so that he can come for you like a real knight.

She — If you live in the delusion that you won the Lioness, then it is better to wake up on time. You were her goal, desire, and need and she did not calm down until she won her victory — to have you.

Once she gets you, the Lioness woman will do anything to keep you: she will become dependent on you (and you are happy to find her whenever she needs you), and you will (still happy) have to listen to her wishes, desires, and orders. Which will sound so irresistible and so unconditional from her mouth.


He — Since he has amazed you with all his knowledge from most scientific fields and everyday life, a Virgo man will choose the right moment to take action. And just when you thought he had chosen it, he would change his tactics out of shyness or practicality.

Even in the moments of the greatest ecstasy, he will not stop telling you or whispering in your ear everything that you never dreamed you would hear from him, so little by little you will start to encourage him. And he doesn’t even need it anymore!

She — All her restraint and shyness, look down and purity of expression she radiates, become less important attributes when she realizes that you have become her man. Next to her, you will have everything you need — from the most erotic mistress to the most self-sacrificing caregiver.

But you will also have to follow her rules: you will listen to her whenever she feels the need to eat you, you will supply the house with groceries six months in advance, and — wipe the bathroom after each shower.


He — It was easy for him while he was courting you, kissing your hand, flirting, carrying flowers and chocolates, and giving you your favorite perfumes. And all this with the sounds of Mediterranean evergreens in the romantic ambiance of a restaurant.

Only if he could last his whole life with you, he would be the happiest man in the world, because when it comes to an intimate act, a Libra man slowly loses interest (it is so tiring and predictable in relation to the moments of always new radiance in your eyes when delights you with a gift). That is why he will try to revive the feeling, at least for a moment, at least for trips or excursions, like when he was courting you for the first time.

She — She can’t bear to neglect her for a single moment when she has already given you her heart. The relationship with her is very easy to maintain, no matter how spoiled Libra seemed demanding: give her compliments whenever she comes from a hairdresser or manicure, say two magic words “I love you” every day (maybe via SMS, especially if you are somewhere on the road ) and the Libra woman will eat from your hand.

But, if she feels that you are “looking through her” while your thoughts are wandering, she will very quickly seek solace — with another man.


He — Even if you try to track him down, once he has won you over, you will not succeed. You will lose time, nerves, and self-confidence thinking about where that eternal seducer is hiding, while the Scorpio man will mysteriously sneak up on you from behind and knock you off your feet with one touch. And a look.

He will never allow you to go too far in your “investigation” of his movements because you will already be in his safe embrace, which you will usually not be able to resist.

She — All or nothing, is her motto for everything in life, and especially in love. If she chose you to be “her man”, then you must take it seriously because you have no other.

The Scorpio woman will set you the highest possible standards, so between the earnings race and her bed, you will break the strings and find yourself in the Scorpio network. And that’s exactly what she was waiting for: forever with her or never again. But if the Scorpio woman wants you, she is also ready for blackmail, just to stay with her.


He — What a difference between that casual seducer who charmed you with his smile on the first date and this hypocrite who closely follows what the neighborhood is saying about you (while he continues to prove his conquering abilities to younger partners).

But, if you have already decided on a Sagittarius man, then be ready to believe only in his eyes and ears, and not your own. He will make sure that you don’t miss anything, except him, and that very often, and the neighbors will only be able to envy you.

She — As she was direct while seducing and conquering you, the Sagittarius woman is very open in her desires, and needs in every day of living together with you. Since she chose you as a rare type of man to whom she will unreservedly dedicate herself, a Sagittarius woman will not allow herself to be dissatisfied.

If she senses that there is a problem, she will talk honestly with you with equal zeal, whether it is about your intimate life, obligations towards children, or taking care of your health.


He — You will already be surprised with him, no matter how clumsy and shy that practical, reserved man to whom you gave your heart seemed. Like his friends, he will take you wherever he goes, whether you like it or not.

In fact, there will be no reason for your dissatisfaction, because a Capricorn man will never let a hair fall from your head next to him. He will guard you, take care of you and caress you to such an extent that every time you will want more and more to tuck yourself in his firm embrace once and for all.

She — When she wants, she wins it, and when you become her choice, usually for a long time or for life, it will not be easy for you to satisfy her desires. If at the same time you can be an imaginative lover, a devoted father, a good host, and, above all, an eternal driving force in all the ambitious plans of a Capricorn woman, then you have passed the exam with her.

In return, she will not stop praising you, and in time she will be proud of you in her measured way, with admiration that she will not be able to hide.


He — Everything goes well for him from the moment he won you over because an Aquarius man knows how to keep the woman he cares about. He just needs a little time to assess which tactics he will apply to you because he is an unsurpassed manipulator.

Just when you decide to get mad at him, he will disarm you by inviting you to travel to the most beautiful island you dreamed of, a new car as created for you, or making love in some totally “crazy” place.

Although he nonchalantly hides his possessiveness and jealousy, he will never put you in an awkward situation, even if he doubts you.

She — There’s nothing she won’t do to keep you once she won you over: she’ll always look attractive, she’ll become the best friend to the girl you tried to court in her eyes, she’ll recount events from your travels together in which she’ll be the main star while you marvel at her story and the scent of the latest perfume you bought her.

The fact that none of her will be able to get the word out because there is nothing smarter than her, will not bother you, as long as you have strong enough nerves and a thick enough wallet.


He — No matter how clumsily he seems to seduce you, you will not be able to dodge him so easily once you fall into the net of a Pisces man. Although his nerves are not his strong point, he will be with you at home, the most patient and helpful man in the world: he will bring you breakfast in bed with a flower between his teeth, make coffee and serve on the terrace while you chat with guests and you will be convinced that he is only yours.

Until he leaves the house, and then open your four-eyes!

She — All the skills of seducing, conquering, and keeping a man she cares about are innate for a Pisces woman. In her opinion, everything is allowed in love, so she won’t take any of the ways, methods, or tactics to keep you: eroticism radiates from her even when chopping vegetables for your favorite salad, and her look promises the most imaginative enjoyment with you, as soon as it gets dark…

And when night reigns, it will reign over you. And to all your senses.

Originally published at on August 24, 2021.



Viral Storm
Viral Storm

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