If you didn’t grow up with a cat, it is certainly even more difficult for you to understand their language, although they communicate with you in many ways.

Following the advice of two veterinarians, here’s how you could understand what cats are trying to tell you …

By monitoring the behavior of cats, experts have come to many conclusions and found what they want to tell us in particular situations.

As cats are less domesticated animals than dogs, they are also more complicated and mysterious and more difficult to understand.

You can learn a lot from their body language and the sounds they release

When a cat is meowing, she usually wants to say, “Feed me!”, “Help me!” or “Notice me!”

On the other hand, when cats are rubbing their head, beard or neck against you, it means that they want to connect with you or mark you as “their property.” Cats release a pheromone that they like to feel in their environment, so they pass it on to people and furniture.

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“When looking at a cat, pay attention not only to her eyes or the position of her head but to her whole posture. If the cat is friendly and relaxed, her attitude will show it, and if she is frightened or nervous, she is likely to squirm or lean backward, “says veterinarian Carolyn Wilde.

Why Cats Purr

It is not difficult to conclude that purring is a sign of pleasure and happiness. Many studies have studied this form of behavior, and it is still not entirely clear why cats purr and how they are doing it. It is well known that purring causes vibrations in the throat region and that cats purr when they are satisfied and relaxed, but also when they want to calm themselves.

“Many of the cats I treated were scared, but they still purred while being on the vet’s table,” Wilde says.

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“Scientists believe that this is the way cats release endorphins because they purr when they are happy. If they purr when they are injured and in pain, it could be because purring makes it a little easier for them,” explains Sean McCormack, another veterinarian who interpreted the cat’s behavior for the site.

Even the movements of their eyes have meaning

When cats blink slightly while looking at you, it means they are relaxed and calm. On the other hand, while people see longer eye contact as a way to strengthen the bond, animals interpret it as a sign of aggression.

“When a cat blinks, she tries to tell you she’s not aggressive because that’s how she interrupts her aggressive looking,” Wilde explains.

Slow blinks are one of the most subtle non-verbal signs that cats give.

“If they look wide-eyed at another cat in their territory, while their pupils are quite dilated, it means that they are telling her that she needs to take get away from there, while slow blinking is a sign that she is satisfied in your presence,” McCormack said.

They knead you because they love you

Kneading involves short movements of the front legs over something that is soft. Cats tie this type of behavior to their mother and the time they were little.

“Kittens do this while being breastfed to their mother to stimulate happiness hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin and encourage the mother to produce more milk,” McCormack says.

This behavior often continues into adulthood as it helps cats to calm themselves and maintain important relationships.

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