Mayan Horoscope Reveals Your Fate

Viral Storm
6 min readApr 7, 2022


Did you know that the Mayan horoscope is considered to be one of the most accurate horoscopes in the world?

The ancient people of Maya believed that the universe was divided into several levels, and their zodiac had 19 signs. There are many disagreements and different interpretations of Mayan astrology that continue to this day. Many modern interpretations have been offered, but they are not all based on an essential exploration of the culture and symbolism of that ancient nation. That is why the Mayan horoscope is so specific.

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What is known, however, is that the Mayan horoscope, the so-called Haab calendar, is used, among other things, to interpret the 19 signs of the zodiac in order to show the daily cycle. Also, many meanings and symbols are based on cultural and religious aspects important for Mayan culture.

Pop (January 1–19) If you were born between the 1st of January and the 19th of January, your fate was favorable to you. Power, wealth, and sexuality are three aspects of the reality of this Mayan zodiac sign. They spend their youth realizing their plans. That’s why they are most successful in middle age. People born in this sign seek love, respect, and admiration from their partners.

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Woʼ (January 20 — February 7) Born between January 20 and February 7. Your life will be filled with friendship and companionship. Although you are prone to compromises, you rarely give up on life goals. You will achieve a solid financial state, and in marriage, you will appreciate your partner and remain faithful always. You are a social and fun person.

Sip (February 8th — 26th) A dynamic life, events, and reversals, according to the Mayan horoscope, is predestined to those born between February 8th and February 26th. People in this sign are constantly surrounded by people who glorify their moral qualities. Those born in the period from 28 to 35 achieve exceptional results in business and professional careers. They do not stress about their well-being, but in their souls, they are modest and just.

Sotzʼ (February 27 — March 17) People born between February 27 and March 17 are romantic and have a lush imagination and are often egoistic. In their youth, they are persistent and ready to do anything in order to reach their goal. Sometimes they know that they will ultimately pay a high price. They want to be in the foreground, they are authoritative, but at the same time, they are gentle parents and loyal partners.

Sek (March 18 — April 4) In life, they rarely make compromises, which is not the case for marriage. They are very loyal and gentle. They are passionate in love, persistent in realizing their life’s ideas, and extremely ambitious. In their lives, important events usually take place between the ages of 32 and 41.

Xul (April 5–23) A restless spirit eager for adventure is the main trait of people born between April 5 and April 23. They do not interested in matrimony because they do not feel free in the marital community. Yet, they know how to be good spouses and parents. The stars say their most important part of life is between the ages of 18 and 32.

Yaxkʼin(April 24 — May 12) If you were born between April 24 and May 12, your life will be calm and fruitful. Taking baby steps will ultimately lead you to all life’s pleasures. People born in this sign rarely rely on anyone. They respect their spouses very much and love their families. They are ready for any sacrifice to please those who they sincerely love.

Mol (May 13–31) A curious childhood will leave traces in the souls of people born in this sign for eternity. The desire for affirmation and popularity will affect their public status and provide them with a glorious reputation.

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Ch’en (June 1–20) If you were born between June 1st and 20th, the stars say your life will be dynamic and exciting. Their traits are — ingenuity, caution, making quick and correct decisions, withdrawal from risky situations, and nobility. Although you are curious and prone to research, people born in this sign are constantly searching for a peaceful life and sincere friendships.

Yax (June 21 — July 9) All born between June 21st and July 9th are favored and respected in the environment they live in. Such status stems from their behavior and readiness to always help without expecting anything in return. Happiness follows them in life, but there is also a period when nothing goes according to plan. The period of great temptation is expected between the ages of 47 and 55.

Sak (July 10–29) An irresistible charm is the main characteristic of people born in the Mayan Sak sign (July 10 — July 29). They usually avoid conflict and radiate warmth, harmony, and trust among their friends and family. Since they tend to quickly achieve significant reputation and success, they often have many enemies, but they themselves do not prefer any quarrels.

Keh (July 30 — August 18) If you were born between July 30 and August 18, you will dedicate your whole life to reaching the top and dominating. You can be accepted in all the regions and quickly gain a reputation. A period of importance for their lives is between 30 and 38 years of age. If they find the right marital partner, they will achieve a deep and happy relationship.

Mak (August 19 — September 6) Their individuality and desire for perfectionism condition the development of their self-sufficiency and feeling of security. All the wrong decisions in their lives have been thoroughly analyzed and checked, so the risks of failure are minimized.

K’ank’in (7–25 September) These people are very original and creative. Their goals are usually quite unique and seem crazy to others around them. They avoid clichés and other ‘normal’ experiences which sometimes makes life difficult for them. In marriage, they are interesting and adventurous, good lovers, and responsible parents. They enjoy traveling and sometimes they spend uncontrollably.

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Muwan (September 26 — October 14) People born in the Muwan zodiac sign (September 26 — October 14) are usually super-intelligent, creative, and witty. They are constantly looking for happiness. They are selective and find it difficult to decide on major life decisions, especially if they go through bad experiences in their youth.

Pax (October 15 — November 2) Balanced, just, stable and authoritative personalities are born in this sign who thrive on self-discipline and the desire to stand out. Their most important period is between 18 and 32 years of age. Until then, they won’t achieve what they crave and are not satisfied with who they are, becoming rebellious and dissatisfied. They can overspend and go to the extreme. They are usually lonely in their elder years.


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