“Today is the 100th day since I got the coronavirus. The symptoms started on March 17,” Ann Wallace told.
“My daughter Molly and I were tested on March 22 because we belong to a high-risk group: I have multiple sclerosis, and Molly because she showed COVID–19 symptoms for two weeks.
As the infection rate starts to rise again around the planet because of the countries that have reopened factories, as well as because of individuals who refuse to wear masks and do not practice social distancing, I want to share my experiences with you, “said Anne.
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You have to share your experience with others, you must not be ashamed because you have Covid19
I know that shame does not serve anyone, and if you are sick, you should say it publicly because there are a large number of people who will support you. I know this first hand: as time went on, the disease progressed so much that I was often unable to prepare lunch or do my laundry. It was even hard for me to talk, considering that oxygen would be necessary. Three months later, I still have shortness of breath. Now is not the time for privacy, although you are not allowed to approach other people, the help of close people is necessary.
You never know whose life you can influence or save by sharing your experience.
If you have symptoms of coronavirus and your tests are negative, here’s what to do:
Many experts will tell you that covid19 is best detected 3 and 6 days after the onset of symptoms, but most countries cannot test patients so quickly. If you have symptoms of coronavirus, act as if you are infected. My daughter Molly was tested two weeks after the first symptoms and the results were negative. She was almost cured, but all the symptoms have not disappeared yet.
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The coronavirus lasts much longer than two weeks:
The fact is that many patients infected with Covid19 have been ill for months. Even those who are young and healthy, if they get Covid 19 can be sick for a long time.
If you have the coronavirus, you are struggling to get adequate care:
It may not be easy to get adequate medication, doctors, and examinations, but you must do everything in your power to get health care.
I can’t tell you how many phone calls I’ve made in the last three months to get tested and to provide myself with the necessary medication.
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The point is that you need to be persistent and loud and persevere in what you need, even if you are not quite sure what it is.
The coronavirus may look like the common flu at first, but the symptoms can get worse very quickly and become deadly in just a few days, so be proactive.
Your doctor has to help you, and if he can’t, find another doctor. “