Confession of a Transgender Person -” Men Adores me, And They do Not Suspect That I Have Changed My Gender”
Transgender social worker Tayla Dow, 20, is currently in the public spotlight after she said she does not tell all the men she kisses that she was of the opposite sex. She received a handful of negative comments because of that statement, but she believes that these people do not understand her.
Confession of a Transgender shocked many! “They don’t deserve to know,” said Tyla Dow 20, of Bolton, UK, commenting in a video on TikTok that many attacked her after she said she didn’t tell men she was a transgender woman in nightclubs. kiss with them.
She was overwhelmed by negative comments, for example how it should be illegal and that such behavior could end badly for her, but she says that “she just wants to protect herself”.
She believes that the exchange of kisses is not something serious that she should immediately reveal her personal data.
Ever since she started to openly show her preferences, Tyla underwent hormone therapy and spent 30,000 pounds on cosmetic procedures that made her look more feminine, such as nose surgery, beard reshaping … She is satisfied with her appearance.
“I get a lot of male attention during night outs, but I don’t go there to look for it, I go out to have fun. If someone comes up to me and everyone in the club is drunk, and I know it’s not okay “I talk about everything in my life. Especially not someone I don’t know at all, who has given me a drink. As long as nothing is sexual, I feel that it doesn’t concern them,” -Honest confession of a Transgender.
“If someone just wants to kiss me, then I don’t say anything unless I’m happy to tell someone. There are men who go out to clubs and hang out with girls even though they have girls at home, there are people who have sexually transmitted diseases who have sex with people after a night out and they don’t tell them that, “she added.
She also opened a profile on Tinder, where she honestly wrote in the description that she is a transgender person, so whoever doesn’t like it, doesn’t have to contact her.
“Some people are okay with that, some aren’t. Sometimes it’s hard because there are people for whom it’s a fetish,” she said.
“People should try to put themselves in my shoes and see it from my perspective, but obviously if you have prejudices against trans people, then you’ll never understand,” says Tayla.
“A lot of people write insults like ‘you have to tell men in nightclubs you’re trans, they deserve to know, you’re sick, you’re mean, you’re blah blah blah. No, I don’t have to tell them that, they don’t deserve to know,” she continued.
At the moment when she realized that she did not feel comfortable in her earlier body, she was about 13 years old, and social media, she says, gave her a better insight into the trance community and eventually helped her understand herself.
She kept it to herself for a few years, and then at the age of 16, she visited a general practitioner who referred her to a clinic for specialized gender issues. Then she started hormone replacement therapy and experimented with make-up, hairstyles and clothes.
Now, she says, she finally feels comfortable in her own skin and she is sorry that others condemn and attack her even though they don’t know her at all.
“I feel like I’ve really come a long way, especially since I’m only 20. I’m still not exactly where I want to be, but I’m much more comfortable with myself and happier. I think negative comments come from prejudice or people. who are not educated enough. They do not understand that I am a woman “, reports the Daily Mail.
Do you know any other confession of a Transgender?
Originally published at on December 25, 2021.